me and the middle of the sea

on 14 may,my unc,my grandfather and some of his friends,
have gone to the sea to 'candat sotong'(i dont know how to say it in english)
we reach at the dorks at 4.00 p.m..
and getting into the boat at 4.30 and starts the journey in 5.00..
the time taken to reach at the 'famous' spot to 'candat sotong' is about half and hour..
so we take some nap to 'recharge' our energy..haha
oh,before we starts our journey,we had go to mydin mall to buy some foods for eating at the middle of the sea..
you dont wanna be hungry for 8 hours at the middle of the sea right?
hahaso here is some pictures of the foods.....
theres something missing i think? back to the story,
we have to sit at infront of the boat to prevent the smoke that produce by the engines..
yes,i got my nerve when sitting infront of the boat at the first...
but after 15 minute..
it become more comfortable..
weird isn it?haha
while i was sitting,i saw some hooke(sauh)its my first-time-ever to see something cool like that in front of me..
yep,cool isnt it?
after capturing this photos,
i just realize that we have reach the place..
theres lots of boats there,but i cant capture it.
why?i just use phone cameras that only have 1.3 megapixel dude..
not that canon or olympus cameras..haha
oh,before that, i have take this photo..
he is my grandfather and i call him,'ayah ki'
after that,
i think u guys wanna see the boat looks like right?
i know what ur guys thinks about!
'is this boat really can move?'or
"wtf?theres 8 people and this is the boat?"
i was shocked too..its too small..very small..
but we safely got back home!
hahaso,ayak ki had make some set-up for his tool to 'candat sotong'
and few minute then,
we had our first catch!yep.,
the first catch baby!
and after that..
i've become lazy to catch the octopus and sleep..
i've got no talent to catch these fish and octopus..
and few hour after that..
i had woke up at 7.40..
and very very very hungry..
so i stand up to reach the bread at the table..
and you know what i found?
a bread..with 4-5 cockroaches in the plastic bags..
what the?
then i realized,that the boat,is full of cockroaches..
and for your information..
i am NOT scared with cockroaches..
but i think is shazmeel or azzri is here,
they may jumped out the boat and swim go back home even at the middle of the sea..
hahasorry for the image,
u cant see the cockroaches in these image..
but actually there is cockroaches..
but thi phone camera is so bad..
so u cant see it
u see the gas over there?
there is 2-3 cockroaches over there and the bread is at the table..
the heaven of cockroaches..
then i eat some of the bread that never been opened by others
and safe to eat.
after that,i have been asked to 'candat sotong' by my unc..
so i did it..
while i was doing it,
i saw some flying fish.
cool has wings of course..and some snake in the water..
but i didnt catch some photos of it..
cant reach my telephone and my phone are out of battery
oh,my unc's candat's have been eat by 'ikan todak'!
i can see its scale!
the 'ikan todak' has jumped out and then my ayah ki get his candat and let it go..
its so fishing cool!
so after that,
i continue my sleep with my leg is located at side of the boat.
that it..
'me and the middle of the sea'
before that.
can u imagine,
we have to pray in the boat.
we have to pee at side of the boat..
we have too eat on the boat..
i just cant imagine how the fisherman can going trough it everyday..
just to make sure that his family can eat and can continue his life..
how about us?
have computers,internets,handphones..
always eat a quality food..
eat some rice..
think about it..


  1. Terbaek a zan. Walaupun kau menjatuhkan maruah amir ngan azzri kejap tadi tu. Hahaha

    And , nice message you're trying to send out.

    Keep it up doh. Nanti English boleh improve.
    And, sotong bukan squid ke? Octopus tu sotong kurita baii. Hahaha

    .Shazmeel Azeman

  2. Kesalahan tatabahasa(grammar) dan perbendaharaan kata(vocabulory) banyak terdapat dalam artikel En Azzan/Azzey kali ini.Namun bukanlah ianya menjadi penghalang kepada En Azzan untuk menyampaikan cerita-cerita ketimuran yang mempunyai mesej-mesej kebaikan yang sarat.Permulaan yang baik.

    Saya cadangkan kepada En Azzan agar menumpukan kepada genre cerita bercorak ini dengan menambahkan banyak lagi mesej-mesej kebaikan di dalamnya.Semoga semuanya dikira oleh Allah dalam timbangan amal En Azzan.

    Selamat menjadi dewasa.

  3. Selamat menjadi dewasa? Baiklah abang..haha
